Having had some more time to see a bit more of the place and meet a lot of people, I have to say life here so far has exceeded my expectations. It's nuts, for sure, but I'll never forget my time here and I don't regret coming for a second.
We have been using an armoured Suburban the last week or so to get around. I'm no petrol head and still have no interest in cars, but this thing is awesome - I feel like I've added another couple of inches. It's heavier than Harry Rednapp's eyelids and takes a wee while to get any speed up but you could leave a Rolex on the dashboard in Rio de Janeiro with an invitational sledge hammer and it would still be there when you got back. Bulletproof. We took it to fill up with petrol the other day and it took 135 litres, amid fits of laughter. Most surreal driving experience so far: giving way to a tank on a roundabout. I had right of way but you can't really argue with a tank.

Some of the monumets and architecture here is pretty amazing. This link has more information and pictures but here are some pictures I took of the Monument to the Unknown Soldier and the Hands of Victory.

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