
This blog starts from the time I spent in Baghdad 2006 to 2007, when I wanted to record some thoughts and give friends the inside mail on a crazy environment. Since then, after some time out from a broken ankle and between times working in London, I've been on the road again around eastern Europe, NZ and South America. So far. This continues with the hope of telling anyone who's interested about the new places I'm seeing and the people who make them interesting.

On the right you can find links to previous posts. I need to figure out how to get the order of current posts right. Maybe having used this for a few years it's the kind of thing I should have sussed...

Thanks for looking. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Close shave

One of our guys was in the Red Zone the other day and was stopped in traffic. He saw three men with guns approach the car in front, drag the driver out and stick him in the boot of the car, and drive off. He was, understandably, shit scared. He said the thing the frightened him the most was the look on the man's face as he was bundled into the boot. Hving seen the look on his own face the other day after that meeting, I can see exactly what he means. He makes a point of not washing his car and he drives an old banger because kidnappers target expensive cars or expensively dressed people. Not that I ever had that excuse....

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